You don’t save money after you have spent, you spend money after you have saved. If you spend money just to thrill others, you are simply robbing yourself in advance, if you do not learn how to save when you earn $1, you will never save even if you earn millions of dollars.
Financial literacy for children and teens is just as important as that of all adults, money culture must be taught in schools, at home and in all religious houses, especially now where everything you desire is just a click of a button away.
True wealth does not grow on the tree of dishonest practices but on the tree of honesty, diligence and hard work. There is no better time than now to activate the manager and the leader in every boy and
If we do not teach our children about money, they will likely squander all the wealth and opportunities around them and the ones we leave behind.
In this book you will learn about the:
5 pillars that will make you financially intelligent.
7 golden rules of money [money culture ]. 2 types of money, and the one that will outlive you.
You will also learn about the importance of skill acquisition, and how to grow your money from a seed [coin] to a forest [great wealth] and HOW NOT TO BURN DOWN THAT FOREST.
Edward Esiri Company
This is the best financial literacy book for kids. This is the birth place of every CEO.