HISTORY OF LANGUAGES (Connectivity With Religions)


It is an admitted fact that Allah/God or Bhagwan etc. is the first sorce of languages and first teacher of mankind, but which particular language (s) He used to give the first knowledge to the first man or entity say, Adam, Surya or Gabriel is not known to us. However, He sent down different languages on earth, and also the Holy Books. But the linguists traced the sources of languages perhaps without much looking into the above aspects of things and divided the languages in different groups or families like Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Afro-Asiatic, Germanic, Dravidian etc., which in turn came to be mixed up or have sprouted out many more branches. I have thus thus pointed out in this book that languages transcended all human boundaries and brought the East to Meet the West or vice-versa, because Adam had first descended on earth in Sri Lanka (India), but his son, Noah’s Ark is said to have been discovered somewhere in the Middle East nearer to present-day Turkey. This speaks volumes about the language spoken by Adam, must have also been spoken by Noah while he lived in India. But after Noah’s Ark reached Middle East in the Great Floods, Noah along with his followers, alighted from the Ark somewhere in the Middle East and settled down there itself along with his followers, and their descendants must have initially spoken the same language as Adam had spoken till the Babel confusion. After the Babel confusion, the language which was carried from India to the Middle East, reverted to the East (India) and other directions but in a changed form by gradually changing accent, tune etc. But the linguists erroneously seek to establish the languages to have originated and come from the West to the East India), with the coming of the Aryans or so, but not exploring the possibility of the language transcending from the East (India) to the West at all earlier.This book thus gives a new insight on language study. It also seeks to establish Sanskrit as the first worldly language, but last heavenly language, while Arabic to be the last worldly language and first heavenly language, among many other aspects. I hope, my effort will be evaluated by the esteemed readers and the linguists in its proper perspective and reach the unexplored areas of language study lying unexplored in the horizon.


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